You know some people are willing to sacrifice anything just to have the chance to say "First!" in a forum or commentary section? Well, I don't have to, since this is my own blog :).
Well, this is my first blog post, so let me introduce myself.
My name is Simon Lim Hao Wooi, born 1984. I'm currenly Year 3 student at the University of Tunku Abdul Rahman, studying computer engineering. Think of it as a little bit of Electronics and computer science.
I started my interests in computer by doing some web design and web-based scripting. Thus, one of the first language that I learned happens to be ASP. Well, technically ASP is not a language. But at that time, VBScript is the only way you could use to do ASP. I was quick to switch to the "open source" side however, by learning PHP and subsequently fall in love with it. I never look back.
Like all things, people change. Soon after I got bored of doing plain old HTML page (It may be generated by ASP, but it's still plain old HTML), JavaScript came along and changes everything. All of a sudden, you could made all sort of cool, interactive stuff with a plain old HTML page. The funny thing is I've been playing with JavaScript for so long that it would later be collectively called AJAX, along with the advent of XML and the rise of asynchronous function calling.
Later, I would start moving myself out of web development, and dived myself into the world of software development. That's where I started playing with C and C#. That's also the time I introduced myself to dotNet. Slowly but surely, I realized that programming is like like writing poem. Without knowing the algorithm, you don't know what to write in the first place. That's why, nowadays I like to solve hard problems using programming. I begin visiting for interesting problems to solve. After all, what is so fun with programming if you are not solving any problem?
Currently, I am working on my AI project entitled "Machine Learning Approach to Real Time Unconstrained Multiple Vehicle License Plate Recognition". And 1 more year before I graduate. So that's all about me for now. And thanks for reading.